在這麼有強烈主見的男人面前,如果你要有平等的發言權,我就要提升自己、我要令自己出類拔萃,讓我有足夠自信地去和他平起平坐。- 美國前總統夫人米歇爾·歐巴馬
If I was going to have an equal voice with this very opinionated man, I had to set myself off to a place where I was confident I was going to be his equal. - Michelle Obama
'Sustainability' of a Relationship - Michelle Obama
Frame Colour
Size: A5
Paper: Gmund Colors Matt # 57
Weight: 100 gsm
Ink: Coliro Color - Silver Pearl
Frame width: 15 cm
Frame height: 21.5 cm
Frame thinckness: 2.5 cm
The product includes an aluminim alloy frame with back stand.